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Rockets On Head, Crotch & Toes
Sometimes you can take things waay too far in the pursuit of impressing chicks - His crotch is now officially a fire hazard, which just gives girls a perfectly legitimate reason to avoid it.
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Jeff Daniels mixes liberal sentiment with misty eyed conservative nostalgia while explaining why America sucks. This show will be the talk of the watercoolers. To be honest though I preferred him in Dumb and Dumber.
Comments: 2
Attempting to avoid a traumatizing experience for his kids this Dad starts singing 'Lalalala' while the lions attack the trainers. I am sure his kids will forget the whole thing now.
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Really, it is, or as close as you are going to get to it while you LARP around in the high-school gym. Wow. Who knew these weird battle reenactments were so dammed violent? KILL HIM!
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Steve O probably has a whole bunch of awesome stories to chose from and this one is pretty damn awesome. Fixing a busted nose using the fist of a boxing legend? You just couldn't make this kinda thing up!
Comments: 5
Oh man this is a perfect demonstration of the Flop. Only problem is she totally misses the height marker and fails so hard it is actually untrue.
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Without a doubt the greatest babysitter prank ever played. This guy is perfect for it. Most people would raise an eyebrow at a talking television, but this guy swallows it hook line and sinker.
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With the right household items and just the correct application of limited braincells, this ordinary bottle becomes a face-seeking missile - I guess it's a good way for kids to learn - LMAO!
Comments: 1
Like so many others, the cameraman just learned that if you let Usain Bolt get into your head, he'll psych you out before he ever starts running.
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If you work from home then one of your daily tasks, probably the hardest one, is fighting off your cat who is a constant distraction, trying to sit on your lap, your laptop, your head, your arm, your ear, you get the idea.
Comments: 2
Another eighties adaptation from Legolambs and this time they're headed to LV-426 for inspiration. Re-imagining Aliens as a musical wasn't the hardest part though, getting Ripleys voice so perfect was. Mad skills, guys.
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