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Powerriser FAIL!
Some things are better left well alone. This dude is testing out some new powerrisers but his feet can't keep up with his speed and he ends up faceplanting into a car bumper.
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This clip will make you want to look closely before making a turn - OMFG!
Comments: 7
The QI team take a moment to talk about the American prison system and how the slave trade is alive and well behind the bars of prisons throughout the united states. Some of these facts will make your jaw drop.
Comments: 4
Actress Kaley Cuoco addresses an important issue affecting cosplay girls across the globe: Slave Leia fatigue. With so many choices available to women who cosplay, there's no reason everyone needs to be Slave Leia.
Comments: 1
This dude rides full speed towards a rail but doesn't get enough lift on his jump sending him flipping through the air and slamming the concrete face first. I blame the skateboard.
Comments: 1
The Halo prequel that everyone has been waiting for is being released in a matter of days. If you weren't already waiting with baited breath for launch day then you will be after watching this - WOW!
Comments: 0
Nature is frikking weird - Sounds more like a very unhappy child than a toad... or a cat. - LOL
Comments: 8
Oh god yes. Okay, this film may end up being a load of old crap, but it's showing such promise! Giant robots versus monsters. I mean, what more could you possibly want? It's like a godzilla reboot, but good!
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So it's officially lights out at this all-girl slumber party.
Comments: 5
James Cameron teams up with George Lucas, JJ Abrams and Michael Bay to make the ultimate version of Titanic. I'm fairly sure that this is a parody, but it's so close to reality that's it's hard to tell...
Comments: 2
Good old Freddie Wong, leaving us with one last awesome video before the festive break, featuring a real-life team death match. Running around fields shooting people mercilessly has never been so much fun.
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