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Martial Arts Jamboree
These kids perform an amazing mix of dancing and martial arts. Do not challenge these kids to a dance battle. Either they will win, or they will kick your butt and count it as a win anyway.
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Another job well-done by the fine folks at Epic Fail Earth-Moving company.
Comments: 3
You know that scene in “The Deer Hunter”, the one everyone always goes on about that they copied to advertise those assorted-centre chocolates? Yeah that one. Well this is even more agonizing.
Comments: 1
And you thought February had got away with it, but no, here is the roundup of all the people who had a bad month. Will the internet ever get tired of seeing people fall over and injure themselves? No, no it won’t.
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In honor of The Sound of Music's 50th anniversary and to celebrate its legacy, The Onion's head film critic, Peter K. Rosenthal (comedian Ron E. Rains), provides a touching tribute to the beloved film.
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Icons of Star Trek and Star Wars recently took to the internet arguing that their franchise reigned supreme. George Takei–the only actor who has worked in both–stepped in to broker the peace by identifying a mutual threat.
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Japan has been the World leader in WTF? for generations now, so it only seems fitting that they bring that particular set of skills into the world of web camming!
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Prepare yourself for extreme EPIC! The sons of evil meat-slaying demons from planet Beef birth a meat baby from a dead bird. Washed down with some breast milk Jack Daniels. M’mmm.
Comments: 6
Some cats were simply born to troll. And this is one of them, bravo my hilarious feline friend. If you ever wanted proof that cats are seriously evil then here it is.
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The Milwaukee Bucks are known for the rallying cry 'fear the deer'. This was very wise words if you ate at Menomonie restaurant where 2 deer crashed through a glass door disrupting 100's of Bucks fans watching the game.
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Ok, i can see some sort of trend starting here with the first of '30 Seconds of a hot chick' - Two ultimate hotties blowing bubbles at each other for just 30 seconds!
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