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Lighting A Fart: Girl Torches Butt
Sometimes people do things for reasons we may never fully understand. And FAIL! We can confidently tell her the burning sensation goes away quickly, but the reputation lasts a while.
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One for the bucket list; Drink a milkshake on a motorbike going at 100 miles per hour. It's a great way to cool down - the combination of frozen dairy and wind chill may cause your nipples to fall clean off.
Comments: 4
Probably not their ACTUAL name but it's what they shall henceforth be known as. As far as rockets/torpedoes go they're pretty badass. They're so badass in fact that they can even set the ocean on fire. WTF!?
Comments: 2
Clearly, these girls knew what would happen.. but they did it anyway, and that's what makes it funny. - LOL
Comments: 3
It does exactly what it says in the title. But these are no ordinary farts you have to take them off the fattest friend you can find. Awesome!
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The cops arrest this dude and just before they are about to take him off to jail his buddy helps him escape. Pretty sure that's illegal too.
Comments: 204
This cracking shot comes to us from the Paralympics and from a man who, although he walks with the aid of a crutch, is still ballsy enough to dive for a shot if he thinks he can get to it in time. Amazing.
Comments: 75
Wow - this totally makes steam engines cool again!!
Comments: 24
You know, not everything that's small is a disappointment. Sometimes small can be beautiful and, contrary to what all those girls tell you, could even get you laid. Like nanotechnology for instance.
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Huge Crane Collapses Onto Taxi - In Bogota, Columbia, you have to resort to some pretty drastic measures to hail a cab.
Comments: 3
Chelsea makes luxury designer watches for adventurous, high-flying women. At the age of just 19 she went about setting up her own business, she also runs a group that supports and celebrates female stunt pilots.
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