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How To Get A Boyfriend?
Normally we have endless "How to get a girlfriend' posts, but now the tables have been turned. Ladies, if you want a man try doing this, guys just adore a portable table to rest their drinks on while driving :)
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Breaking up in a relationship can be very stressful, sometimes one of the partners can't let go. Cue one of the less outrageous storylines from Jerry Springer's little shop of horrors. Classic TV.
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Quite possibly the biggest reason to hate the appearance of the winter months, that and the fact that all the bikinis have gone into hibernation... If you are unemployed however, this will make no sense!
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In this dog-eat-dog world we live in, it's nice to see this big guy watching out for the little guys!
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God is all-knowing and omnipresent, he sees and commands all, but lets be totally honest here. Not even the supreme being can trust himself with loading the rapture 2.0 program on his PC. So mission aborted!
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It's an age-old problem, you are carrying your young 'un and feeling the heat, thinking if only you had some way to cool down? And then, as if by magic, your prayers are answered and all is good with the world again. Kind of.
Comments: 127
As if selling placements on the recommended videos panel wasn't bad enough, the geniuses behind YouTube have cleverly programmed it to recommend every single video except the one you want, the closer the better!
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I initially thought this was a typo or the result of someone in a back room somewhere playing a prank. If it is for real though, that's pretty harsh...
Comments: 10
Can you say invasion of privacy?
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As if the world wasn't terrifying enough, imagine if a giant robot controlled by the mind of a dog was a weapon the world had to contend with. Maybe it could've been tamed with a Tyrannosaurus's leg bone or something.
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This car has been ghetto pimped to the fullest.. on a $10 budget LMAO!!!
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