Hot Chicks With Stormtroopers!
Stormtroopers always get all the hot chicks. Say what you want about chicks digging rebels, but there's no arguing Stormtroopers get a lot more chicks!
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If you're a fan of The L Word, NFL Cheerleaders or just have a passing interest in human females, miss Shahi will no doubt catch your eye. Aside from being smoking hot, her hobbies include posing in her panties and long walks in the countryside.
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A full century of attractive pictures of ladies heralding from the 4 corners of the internets. Every single one is worthy of some serious mouth dribbling. Phew!
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Trust good old Mother Nature to cum up with millions of years of evolution to produce some of the most beautiful natural monuments the planet has ever seen - I would gladly plant a flag on ALL of them :)
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A collection of girls who still manage to look hot with their heads in the toilet. It would be a sad, sad world where girls didn't get drunk like this. A sad world where guys had to rely on sparkling conversation and charm.
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If you're not a fan of seriously hairy ladies then you are about to enter the revolting realm of upchuck central. I'm not averse to a bit of body hair but when they have more than me it's just a bit weird.
Comments: 212
With all the photo manipulation going on in the media some people think they are creating an unrealistic image of unobtainable beauty that is harmful to your average celeb's self image.
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A picture paints a thousand words and that's definitely true if it just happens to be snapped at precisely the right (or wrong, depending on how you view it) moment to make the image as memorable as it could possibly be! Enjoy.
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Get it wrong and when your you mature into an adult people will question how you came to have some really unusual social problems when you are amongst your peers & friends.
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The recent tornado strike in Joplin, Missouri proved how devastating nature's power can be when it hits a populated town in America. The sheer power of the wind is a force that, when experienced, will blow not just your mind away.
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Sometimes our base animal instincts rise up out of nowhere and we behave like dogs, sniffing around another canine's rear quarters, only humans are so much more evolved, so we just stare wide-eyed and drool.
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