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Flipping the Bird in the Court
Sometimes the need for a good lawyer is not needed - I didn't know they allowed this.. LOL
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A compilation of cats being alarm clocks, trying to wake their masters gently who are still asleep in bed. It's very effective, and beats the iPhone ringtones as an alarm call any day of the week.
Comments: 8
This is why Parkour should only be done by trained professionals, not a couple of 7th graders at their school on the weekend. - OUCH
Comments: 7
Heads will roll in the marketing department for this scooter which is called the Y Fliker but in the commercial it sounds like they're saying "wife licker"—won't somebody, please, THINK OF THE CHILDREN.
Comments: 2
Seen the new Hobbit film yet? Disappointed? Well, perhaps this new animation from the How It Should Have Ended guys can help - it should heal the pain of these money-spinning adaptations.
Comments: 0
This chick befriends a Great White shark and it allows her to hand feed it fish from the side of her boat. It's kinda cool and all that but lady you are kinda turning yourself into a real tasy snack - WTF!?
Comments: 0
I do love a happy ending. This video incindentally, doesn't have one. It has an ending that will make you feel pretty bad if you laughed at her. Even if you didn't though, you're probably still going to hell. Just sayin'.
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Think about it, what could be cuter the Pugs reenacting Home Alone? Witness a fun pug filled spin on the classic Christmas film, HOME ALONE! When pug puppy Kevin is left home alone for the holidays, chaos ensues!
Comments: 2
I didn't know that David After Dentist had a sister, but they both have the same reaction to drugs.
Comments: 28
I used to think that wishes coming true was nonsense until I watched this. Right before the one minute mark the collective wishes of all her Youtube viewers proved too powerful and reality caved in. On her head.
Comments: 2
Now here's something you don't see every day, in fact, hardly ever! But that doesn't make it any less impressive! I think that in European basketball, this shot actually counts for four points
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