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Bird Nom
To nom, or not to nom: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous hunger, or to take arms against a sea of nomables, and by opposing eat them?
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Everyone has completely lost their mind about The Avengers. Especially the guy who made this tee as he seems to think that the Na'Vi and Spiderman were in it. They're obviously saving that for the sequel...
Comments: 0
Feeling like you can't act correctly in certain situations? Don't worry! Meet the Antartic advice animal who's here to remind just how awkward your life truly is!
Comments: 0
It's the newest craze sweeping Facebook. Duckface hunting! Go and find a picture of a give giving it a bit of duck face, and leave the commment "BANG". Then sit back and enjoy the lolz or hunt some more!
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When your food starts to communicate with you as you dine with your girlfriend, you know you've found the girl to stick with for a while. Either that or you are on some serious medication.
Comments: 1
Mocking the hipster is something that absolutely everyone can get behind. Nobody likes hipsters, not even hipsters. They're like nazis or zombies.
Comments: 4
For laptop and LCD screen users, here's a little message for you. Tilt your screen back to read it!
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So, this guy's life just happens to be in mortal danger, so what do you do? Panic? Scream? Weep for forgiveness from a dead god? Or do you jot it all down in your diary for posterity?
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I'm sure Ripley believed what Newt told her but i hate to say it kid but you are WRONG! Sometimes they come during the day and take a seat so near to you that they could steal your hotdog!
Comments: 3
A flip of the nose, and this little kitty could be dog food..
Comments: 3
See? If this was the movie poster I might have gone to see that movie. If that wizened old bitch had sunk the Belgrano with a repulsor blast I'd probably think she was way cooler too.
Comments: 4